So, Time To Start A Blog…

Since I can remember, every day has been a countdown until the next adventure. Whether it be an overseas holiday, a road-trip or even a walk around a suburb i’ve yet to explore.

I’ve been searching for interesting buildings, stunning views & forgotten remnants for years. Things that the average non-explorer do not blink an eye at.

Somewhere in Hokkaido, Japan

Blue Lake, Jenolan

Blue Lake, Jenolan

I have decided its time to document the things I have seen in my travels! Some of my posts will be of the craziest and most exciting things I have stumbled across, and others will be simple things that I have found interesting.

It will be a collection of both massive, bucket-list accomplishments and small adventures that have made a weekend feel successful. The things that you come home from doing and seeing and think hey, life’s pretty damn good.

Keep your eyes peeled,


The Ballroom, Japan

The Ballroom, Japan

Tennis Court @ Notre Dame Zoo, Mulgoa

Notre Dame Zoo, Mulgoa


Not So Icy, Icecream Shop